+ | Status | Name | Label | Datatype | Length | Scope | Reference | Included By |
applies_ |
Applies to | string[choice] | 40 | Global | sys_ |
applies_ |
Applies to description | string | 4000 | Global | sys_ |
column_ |
Column on table | reference | 32 | Global | sys_ |
sys_ |
column_ |
Column type | reference | 32 | Global | sys_ |
sys_ |
description | Description | string | 4000 | Global | sys_ |
D | label | Label | string | 40 | Global | sys_ |
name | Name | string | 40 | Global | sys_ |
on_ |
On table | reference | 32 | Global | sys_ |
sys_ |
read_ |
Read roles | user_roles | 40 | Global | sys_ |
remove_ |
Remove roles | user_roles | 40 | Global | sys_ |
sys_ |
Class | sys_class_name[choice] | 80 | Global | sys_ |
sys_ |
Created by | string | 40 | Global | sys_ |
sys_ |
Created | glide_date_time | 40 | Global | sys_ |
| sys_ |
Sys ID | GUID | 32 | Global | sys_ |
sys_ |
Updates | integer | 40 | Global | sys_ |
sys_ |
Display name | string | 255 | Global | sys_ |
sys_ |
Package | reference | 32 | Global | sys_ |
sys_ |
sys_ |
Protection policy | string[choice] | 40 | Global | sys_ |
sys_ |
Application | reference | 32 | Global | sys_ |
sys_ |
sys_ |
Updated by | string | 40 | Global | sys_ |
sys_ |
Updated | glide_date_time | 40 | Global | sys_ |
sys_ |
Update name | string | 250 | Global | sys_ |
update_ |
Update roles | user_roles | 40 | Global | sys_ |
value_ |
Value description | string | 4000 | Global | sys_ |
value_ |
Value type | reference | 32 | Global | sys_ |
sys_ |
Passive |
Mandatory |
Display Value |
Key |
Unique |
Deleted |