+— |
+— |
+ | Status | Name | Label | Datatype | Length | Scope | Reference | Included By |
| acknowledgement_ |
Confirm label | translated_field | 100 | Global | sys_ |
allow_ |
Allow images upload | boolean | 40 | Global | sys_ |
auto_ |
Jump to screen without user interaction | boolean | 40 | Global | sys_ |
auto_ |
Auto-populate screen parameters | boolean | 40 | Global | sys_ |
| button_ |
Acknowledgement field | field_name | 80 | Global | sys_ |
cancel_ |
Cancel label | translated_field | 100 | Global | sys_ |
condition | Condition | conditions | 4000 | Global | sys_ |
condition_ |
Condition | condition_string | 254 | Global | sys_ |
condition_ |
Condition Type | choice[choice] | 40 | Global | sys_ |
confirmation_ |
Confirmation message | translated_text | 512 | Global | sys_ |
confirm_ |
Confirm label | translated_field | 100 | Global | sys_ |
context | Context | choice[choice] | 40 | Global | sys_ |
description | Description | translated_text | 512 | Global | sys_ |
destination_ |
Destination launcher screen | reference | 32 | Global | sys_ |
sys_ |
| destination_ |
Destination screen | reference | 32 | Global | sys_ |
sys_ |
destination_ |
Destination type | choice[choice] | 40 | Global | sys_ |
external_ |
Open In External Browser | boolean | 40 | Global | sys_ |
failure_ |
Failure message | translated_text | 400 | Global | sys_ |
| field_ |
Field name | field_name | 80 | Global | sys_ |
hide_ |
Hide functions | glide_list | 4000 | Global | sys_ |
sys_ |
hide_ |
Hide fields | field_list | 4000 | Global | sys_ |
highlighted_ |
Highlighted Icons | glide_list | 4000 | Global | sys_ |
sys_ |
jump_ |
Jump to previous screen | boolean | 40 | Global | sys_ |
jump_ |
Jump to screen after successful action completion | boolean | 40 | Global | sys_ |
link_ |
Link Label | translated_field | 100 | Global | sys_ |
| link_ |
Link URL | url | 1024 | Global | sys_ |
| mail_ |
Mail address | 40 | Global | sys_ |
mail_ |
Mail content | translated_text | 512 | Global | sys_ |
mail_ |
Mail subject | translated_field | 100 | Global | sys_ |
D | name | Name | translated_field | 100 | Global | sys_ |
offline | Offline | boolean | 40 | Global | sys_ |
offline_ |
Field changes | template_value | 65000 | Global | sys_ |
offline_ |
Field changes table | table_name | 80 | Global | sys_ |
| phone_ |
Phone number | ph_number | 40 | Global | sys_ |
| phone_ |
Phone Type | choice[choice] | 40 | Global | sys_ |
preconditions | Preconditions | choice[choice] | 40 | Global | sys_ |
rating_ |
Rating Span Count | integer | 40 | Global | sys_ |
refresh_ |
Refresh full screen after action | boolean | 40 | Global | sys_ |
relative_ |
Relative URL | boolean | 40 | Global | sys_ |
roles | Roles | user_roles | 100 | Global | sys_ |
save_ |
Save signature before action execution | boolean | 40 | Global | sys_ |
select_ |
Select current record | boolean | 40 | Global | sys_ |
show_ |
Show acknowledgement text | boolean | 40 | Global | sys_ |
show_ |
Show functions | glide_list | 4000 | Global | sys_ |
sys_ |
show_ |
Show confirmation message | boolean | 40 | Global | sys_ |
show_ |
Show fields | field_list | 4000 | Global | sys_ |
show_ |
Show refresh on previous screen | boolean | 40 | Global | sys_ |
show_ |
Show signature field | boolean | 40 | Global | sys_ |
sms | Sms | translated_text | 512 | Global | sys_ |
success_ |
Success message | translated_text | 400 | Global | sys_ |
sys_ |
Class | sys_class_name[choice] | 80 | Global | sys_ |
sys_ |
Created by | string | 40 | Global | sys_ |
sys_ |
Created | glide_date_time | 40 | Global | sys_ |
| sys_ |
Sys ID | GUID | 32 | Global | sys_ |
sys_ |
Updates | integer | 40 | Global | sys_ |
sys_ |
Display name | string | 255 | Global | sys_ |
sys_ |
Package | reference | 32 | Global | sys_ |
sys_ |
sys_ |
Protection policy | string[choice] | 40 | Global | sys_ |
sys_ |
Application | reference | 32 | Global | sys_ |
sys_ |
sys_ |
Updated by | string | 40 | Global | sys_ |
sys_ |
Updated | glide_date_time | 40 | Global | sys_ |
sys_ |
Update name | string | 250 | Global | sys_ |
table | Table | table_name | 80 | Global | sys_ |
take_ |
Take source value from field | boolean | 40 | Global | sys_ |
type | Type | choice[choice] | 40 | Global | sys_ |
unhighlighted_ |
Unhighlighted Icons | glide_list | 4000 | Global | sys_ |
sys_ |
use_ |
Use Overlay | boolean | 40 | Global | sys_ |
| write_ |
Action item | reference | 32 | Global | sys_ |
sys_ |
zombified_ |
Mark as zombie on screens | glide_list | 4000 | Global | sys_ |
sys_ |
Passive |
Mandatory |
Display Value |
Key |
Unique |
Deleted |
Column | Current Environment | Washington | Vancouver | Uta | Tokyo (Vanilla) | Tokyo |
location_tracking | missing | missing | missing | missing | ||
offline_condition | missing | |||||
offline_condition_script | missing | |||||
offline_condition_type | missing | |||||
offline_table | missing | |||||
tracking_action | missing | missing | missing | missing |