+— |
+— |
+ | Status | Name | Label | Datatype | Length | Scope | Reference | Included By |
acquisition_ |
Acquisition method | string[choice] | 40 | Global | alm_ |
active_ |
Active transfer order | boolean | 40 | Global | alm_ |
asset_ |
Asset function | choice[choice] | 40 | Global | alm_ |
asset_ |
Asset tag | string | 40 | Global | alm_ |
assigned | Assigned | glide_date_time | 40 | Global | alm_ |
assigned_ |
Assigned to | reference | 32 | Global | sys_ |
alm_ |
beneficiary | Beneficiary | reference | 255 | Global | core_ |
alm_ |
checked_ |
Checked in | glide_date_time | 40 | Global | alm_ |
checked_ |
Checked out | glide_date_time | 40 | Global | alm_ |
ci | Configuration Item | reference | 32 | Global | cmdb_ |
alm_ |
comments | Comments | string | 4000 | Global | alm_ |
company | Company | reference | 32 | Global | core_ |
alm_ |
cost | Cost | currency | 20 | Global | alm_ |
cost_ |
Cost center | reference | 32 | Global | cmn_ |
alm_ |
delivery_ |
Order received | glide_date_time | 40 | Global | alm_ |
department | Department | reference | 32 | Global | cmn_ |
alm_ |
depreciated_ |
Depreciated amount | currency | 20 | Global | alm_ |
depreciation | Depreciation | reference | 32 | Global | cmdb_ |
alm_ |
depreciation_ |
Depreciation effective date | glide_date_time | 40 | Global | alm_ |
D | display_ |
Display name | string | 255 | Global | alm_ |
disposal_ |
Disposal reason | string | 255 | Global | alm_ |
due | Due | glide_date_time | 40 | Global | alm_ |
due_ |
Due in | string[choice] | 40 | Global | alm_ |
expenditure_ |
Expenditure type | string[choice] | 40 | Global | alm_ |
gl_ |
GL account | string | 40 | Global | alm_ |
install_ |
Installed | glide_date_time | 40 | Global | alm_ |
install_ |
State | integer[choice] | 40 | Global | alm_ |
invoice_ |
Invoice number | string | 40 | Global | alm_ |
justification | Justification | string[choice] | 80 | Global | alm_ |
lease_ |
Lease contract | string | 40 | Global | alm_ |
life_ |
Life Cycle Stage | reference | 40 | Global | life_ |
alm_ |
life_ |
Life Cycle Stage Status | reference | 40 | Global | life_ |
alm_ |
location | Location | reference | 32 | Global | cmn_ |
alm_ |
managed_ |
Managed by | reference | 32 | Global | sys_ |
alm_ |
| model | Model | reference | 32 | Global | cmdb_ |
alm_ |
| model_ |
Model category | reference | 32 | Global | cmdb_ |
alm_ |
old_ |
Old status | string | 40 | Global | alm_ |
old_ |
Old substatus | string | 40 | Global | alm_ |
order_ |
Ordered | glide_date_time | 40 | Global | alm_ |
owned_ |
Owned by | reference | 32 | Global | sys_ |
alm_ |
parent | Parent | reference | 32 | Global | alm_ |
alm_ |
po_ |
PO number | string | 40 | Global | alm_ |
pre_ |
Pre-allocated | boolean | 40 | Global | alm_ |
priority_ |
Priority Designation | choice[choice] | 40 | Expanded Model and Asset Classes | sn_ |
purchase_ |
Purchased | glide_date | 40 | Global | alm_ |
| quantity | Quantity | integer | 40 | Global | alm_ |
request_ |
Request line | reference | 32 | Global | sc_ |
alm_ |
resale_ |
Resale price | price | 20 | Global | alm_ |
reserved_ |
Reserved for | reference | 32 | Global | sys_ |
alm_ |
residual | Residual value | currency | 20 | Global | alm_ |
residual_ |
Residual date | glide_date | 40 | Global | alm_ |
retired | Retired date | glide_date | 40 | Global | alm_ |
retirement_ |
Scheduled retirement | glide_date | 40 | Global | alm_ |
salvage_ |
Salvage value | currency | 20 | Global | alm_ |
serial_ |
Serial number | string | 100 | Global | alm_ |
skip_ |
Skip sync | boolean | 40 | Global | alm_ |
stockroom | Stockroom | reference | 32 | Global | alm_ |
alm_ |
substatus | Substate | string[choice] | 40 | Global | alm_ |
supported_ |
Supported by | reference | 32 | Global | sys_ |
alm_ |
support_ |
Support group | reference | 32 | Global | sys_ |
alm_ |
sys_ |
Class | sys_class_name[choice] | 80 | Global | alm_ |
sys_ |
Created by | string | 40 | Global | alm_ |
sys_ |
Created | glide_date_time | 40 | Global | alm_ |
sys_ |
Domain | domain_id | 32 | Global | alm_ |
sys_ |
Domain Path | domain_path | 255 | Global | alm_ |
| sys_ |
Sys ID | GUID | 32 | Expanded Model and Asset Classes | sn_ |
sys_ |
Updates | integer | 40 | Global | alm_ |
sys_ |
Updated by | string | 40 | Global | alm_ |
sys_ |
Updated | glide_date_time | 40 | Global | alm_ |
vendor | Vendor | reference | 32 | Global | core_ |
alm_ |
warranty_ |
Warranty expiration | glide_date | 40 | Global | alm_ |
work_ |
Work notes | journal_input | 4000 | Global | alm_ |
Passive |
Mandatory |
Display Value |
Key |
Unique |
Deleted |
Column | Current Environment | Washington | Vancouver | Uta | Tokyo (Vanilla) | Tokyo |
account | missing | missing | missing | missing | ||
consumer | missing | missing | missing | missing | ||
model_component_id | missing | missing | missing | missing | missing | |
primary_contact | missing | missing | missing | missing | ||
priority_designation | missing | missing | missing | missing | missing | |
product_instance_id | missing | missing | missing | missing | missing | |
resold_value | missing | missing | missing |